

Meet The Tall Neck Tribe (TNT) Family (💀,🤖,🦧).

TNT Robots 🤖️ is our 3rd collection of 1,000 unique ERC-721 tokens (NFT) stored on Ethereum Blockchain.

784 Traits, All Hand-drawn by 17 Artists.

Mint here 👉 Mint TNT Robots


It has been 2100 years since the mysterious Tall Neck Tribe was discovered by humans on Earth.

There are Skeletons, Robots, and Apes living together in the tribe, all leading by the Chieftain.

Recently, the Chieftain has designed an access system driven by Ethereum smart contract. When you mint a TNT, you automatically get an exclusive NFT PASS CARD with access to the tribe.

Minting Q&A

✓ Date: 1/1/2022 00:00 UTC
✓ MaxSupply: 1,000
✓ Mint Price: 0.02 ETH
✓ Max Mint per Wallet: 3
✓ Collections: TNT Skeleton | TNT Robot | TNT Genesis

WHY TNT(💀,🤖,🦧)


🤖️ 784 Hand-drawn Traits
185,538,980,894,400 Possible Combinations

TNT Family

TNT Family = TNT Skeleton + TNT Robot + TNT Ape


Art Always Comes First

World Class Artist Team

17 Artists, Collaborated with Tiktok,
Disney, League of Legends

Rock-Solid Roadmap

Make Good Things Happen
Step by Step

TNT Vault

Buy & Sell Instantly



TNT Skeleton Artwork: (COMPLETE)

17 artists, 2 months work, 520 traits images, 6,014,724,419,280 possible combinations, randomly selected and generated by algorithm.

Discord Tribe: (COMPLETE)

Build our official Discord tribe for all TNT lovers.

TNT Skeleton Mint: (COMPLETE)

TNT Skeleton Free mint for 2,000 TNT Lovers.

Built-In Raritiy Score Rank:(COMPLETE)

Build an official rarity score rank for all TNT collections on Opensea page.

Twitter Marketing: (ACTIVE)

Spread our artwork and love and vibe to the Twitter space. Light the fire 🔥

Website Redesign:

Redesign the TNT website, UI/UX improvements.


Liquidity Vault:  

Create TNT liquidity vault on NFTX. Buy and sell instantly, stake TNT to earn.


TNT Robots: 784 Traits, but only 1,000 Robots

More Online Marketing:

Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc.

Get more community members onboard.

NGO Donation:

Share peace and love with the tribal peoples.

Donate to the Survival International and Greenpeace organizations.


TNT Apes:  

Welcome the 3rd TNT Species: TNT Apes. Artwork and Drop.

Offline Marketing:

Bring TNT to PPL IRL. How about Times Square billboard?

Stake to Earn:

Stake your TNTs (Skeleton, Robot, Ape) to Earn big prize.


Join US